Monday, March 02, 2009

New Jersey High School Graduation Requirements

The New Jersey Department of Education has changed the high school graduation requirements to make them more rigorous. The North Jersey Section Executive Committee voted to send a letter of support to them because they have included chemistry as one of the sciences. They have decided not to require a second chemistry course in all districts, but it is an option.
There was concern that the urban districts might not be able to handle this due to the lack of equipment and laboratories in some of the schools. I heard on the radio that Governor Corzine is going to use most of the stimulus funds in New Jersey for education. I don't think that will be for school construction though.
It is my idea that for urban kids who want to pursue AP chemistry they can be bussed to a suburban school that has the course. Hillsborough Township already does that for part time vo tech courses so it can be done for science. Why not? We need to think outside the box at times.
I am writing this to keep you informed about science education in this state. If you want to look at the proposed changes a summary of the changes can be found on the DOE website with a link to the full standard.
If you would like to add to the North Jersey ACS comment please contact the Chair Josepth Potenza.
You as a citizen of New Jersey also have the right to send in your own comments.
Remember quality education K-16 is important for all students and as scientists we are interested in quality science education. The ACS has science education policies which can be viewed on the ACS website. ACS Science Education Policy.
Jeannette Brown
NJACS Publicity Chair

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