Sunday, September 19, 2010

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Light the Night

At the Boston ACS meeting I collected $1600.00 from my chemist friends in two committees.  I CHALLENGE THE NORTH JERSEY SECTION TO MATCH THIS.
I have asked the Younger Chemist Committee to form a team and walk with me.  YCC's in other sections have done fundraisers for cancer and other causes and since the North Jersey Section YCC is award winning I thought they could do it.  Maybe next year!

Since you are all researchers I thought that you might want to know that the doctor who examined me when I went for my usually quarterly check up at the Cancer Institute of New Jersey is a clinical researcher who works for the "new Merck".  He does clinical trials at the the Shearing Plough location in Kenilworth and examins patients one day a week at the Cancer Institute.  We spent the first ten minutes of the exame period talking about Schering and Dr. Cecil Pickett who used to be head of research.  He said he would be there in December when I go again. I hope so, he was nice as is my oncologist Dr. Strair.  That doctor and I forgot to get his name gave me some information about research on CLL which is what I have.  I looked up the research papers.
Anyway I thought I would tell you this.

I will be walking the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Light the Night Walk for the fifth year in a row. I have worked on this fund raiser every year since I was first diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. It is truly an inspiring evening of walking with lighted balloons, red for supporters and white for survivors and gold for those who have lost the battle.
I not only walk for myself but for all those who have suffered from blood cancers some of them in silence. Remember our former webmaster died from a blood cancer.

I have become a patient advocate to spread the word about blood cancer. Few people know that SEPTEMBER IS BLOOD CANCER AWARENESS MONTH IN NEW JERSEY.

The LLS is trying to make September blood cancer awareness month nationwide. You can help by contacting your congress person. Here is the link:Act now to make September Blood Cancer Awareness Month

The Light the Night New Jersey Team will be on Good Morning America on Channel 7 ABC on Wednesday September 22. I don't know if it is an interview or just in the audience as I have been. The show airs from 7 AM to 9 AM when I am usually exercising so I will watch it on the Internet.

I am walking the Light the Night walk on Saturday October 2 at Princeton Forrestal Village. The ceremony starts at 5:00 PM and is usually over by 9:00 PM. We walk rain or shine in warm weather and cold weather and I have had all of that.  THERE IS STILL TIME TO WALK WITH ME.

If you would like to donate to my team my web page is :

I hope you donate the cost of one less cup of Starbucks coffee or Latte even more if your company will match.

You have until JANUARY 31 TO DONATE! Think about your tax deductions.

Remember I am walking for a cure. The researchers are close to getting cures for some blood cancers but they need money for this. Researchers are humans who have families and houses and need to eat so you will be stimulating the economy by donating to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society!!! Think of that!

Jeannette Brown

1 comment:

Cameron VSJ said...

Hi Jeanette,

I have a quick question for you regarding your blog, but I couldn't find your contact information. Do you think you could send me an email whenever you get a chance?


