Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Black History Month 2. African American Women in Science

Congratulations to the NJACS webmaster Paul Tukey.  He correctly identified all three women in the quiz.
Anyone else want to try.  I will not reveal the answer until the end of the month.


Thursday, February 04, 2010

Black History Month 1. African American Women in Science

I write three blogs off and on.  This month I will put the same information in all three blogs, because it is Black History Month and I want to convey some information to the public.
As you know I am writing a book about the history of African Amercan women chemists so I am going to give you a quiz. 
I will post some photos and I am going to ask you to identify them and what was their claim to fame.  The only clue is they were all chemists  but what did they do?

Ok. Its up to you to tell me who they are and what they did.  That's a hint they are all deceased.

Good Luck
